
Showing posts from August, 2018

Feed Ingredients Report: Week Ending Aug. 24, 2018

Weekly Average Price History Week Corn  Soybeans  Wheat SRW Aug. 26, 2018 3.54 8.59 5.26 Aug. 19, 2018 3.62 8.70 5.42 Aug. 12, 2018 3.68 8.84 5.65 Aug. 5, 2018 3.68 8.91 5.55 Advisory service Pro Farmer, a division of Farm Journal Media, projected 2018 U.S. soybean production at 4.683 billion bushels based on an average yield of 53.0 bushels per acre (bpa). The forecast is above the USDA’s prediction for a record-large soybean crop totaling 4.586 billion bushels with an average yield of 51.6 bpa. Pro Farmer estimated U.S. corn production at 14.501 billion bushels, based on an average yield of 177.3 bpa. The production and yield estimates were below USDA’s forecast for the third-largest U.S. corn harvest totaling 14.586 billion bushels with a record-high yield of 178.4 bpa. General consensus from country elevators in both producers and elevators ...

Feed Ingredients Report: Week Ending Aug. 17, 2018

Weekly Average Price History Week Corn  Soybeans  Wheat SRW Aug. 19, 2018 3.62 8.70 5.42 Aug. 12, 2018 3.68 8.84 5.65 Aug. 5, 2018 3.68 8.91 5.55 July 29, 2018 3.68 8.91 5.55 Corn holding form and still in a position to rally with the market trading just a nickel below pre-report levels. Volume has declined indicating a reduction in trading interest. Soybeans have fully recovered the losses from the crop report and are now actually trading higher than pre-report levels which is a bit impressive. Volume has been decent in soybeans and quite a bit better in relative terms than corn. Meal remains heavily range bound despite some fund buying seen over the last week. Meal is acting like the anchor to soybeans and oil staying mostly steady while the other two bounces around. Funds bought 10k in the COT which is the boost that took us off the crop repo...

Feed Ingredients Report: Week Ending Aug. 10, 2018

Weekly Average Price History Week Corn  Soybeans  Wheat SRW Aug. 12, 2018 3.68 8.84 5.65 Aug. 5, 2018 3.68 8.91 5.55 July 29, 2018 3.68 8.91 5.55 July 22, 2018 3.58 8.64 5.27 USDA’s initial survey of the 2018 corn and soybean production were released this week and both crops came in well above expectations. The 2018-19 U.S. soybean outlook this month is for larger supplies, greater use, and record stocks. The 2018-19 U.S. corn outlook is for larger supplies, greater feed and residual use, increased exports, and larger ending stocks. The 2018-19 U.S. wheat outlook this month is lower supplies, greater use, and reduced stocks Corn – slightly bearish. Record 2018/19 U.S. corn yield forecast 178.4bpa offset by high demand. U.S. yields were revised 4.4 bpa higher MOM, to a record 178.4 bpa. The 356m bushels added to production were partially offset by ...

Feed Ingredients Report: Week Ending Aug. 3, 2018

Weekly Average Price History Week Corn  Soybeans  Wheat SRW Aug. 5, 2018 3.68 8.91 5.55 July 29, 2018 3.68 8.91 5.55 July 22, 2018 3.58 8.64 5.27 July 15, 2018 3.48 8.47 5.00 The trade relationship between the United States and Europe is improving, German Agriculture Minister Julia Kloeckner said on Saturday. However, there is no guarantee the bloc will buy the quantity of soybeans that Washington expects as reported by Reuters. China, paying a $47-$57 per metric ton premium for South American beans vs. U.S. beans, slowed its soy buying pace appreciably last week (2 cargoes). USDA pegs 2018/19 Chinese soy imports at 95 mmt vs. 97 mmt 2017/18. The EU claimed they imported 283% more U.S. soybeans in the first 5 weeks of their marketing year than a year ago. U.S. prices were cheaper than South American beans throughout the period due to the U.S.-China...